At 08:45 PM 2/10/02 +0000, Stuart Meier wrote: >After a spell on other things, I am back to a PIC project, and need to >generate a 'Dong' sound (as in "ding-dong", without the ding..) > >On cost grounds I can't go the ISD route, so I want to store and output >a waveform from a 12C PIC. Question is, how can I easily create the >table of tones/durations required? As I am tone deaf, trial and error >could take a lifetime... You're in luck. Square waves, and bells, have a lot of harmonics. Mostly, you need to adjust the pulse width, so as to change the amplitude. A bell has a sharp attack, and slow delay. 00095311111 like that. -- hint: To leave the PICList