> The PIC datasheet for the 16F8X parts (DS30430c, pg. 40), > in figure 8-4, shows "clock from ext. system" going through > an inverter before connecting to OSC1. What's the purpose > of this inverter? If it's an ordinary inverter and the clock signal you intend to inject is "clean", then that inverter doesn't seem to serve any beneficial purpose If you look ahead to the circuits (8-5 and 8-6) for External crystal oscillators, you'll see that an 74AS04 is used. One gate of this hex IC is to tidy up the wave before it enters the PIC. The 04 is not a Schmitt trigger IC. I think you need gates that can be biased into their linear region to oscillate with a crystal, and Schmitts are unsuitable 8-7 shows that there's a Schmitt gate inside the PIC itself, so if you're confident that the oscillator module has at least an OK wave (and it probably does), I wouldn't worry about adding an external inverter The F628 has similar diagrams but shows no ST inside the PIC, just an ordinary inverter. I'm sure in both F84 and F628 manuals they intended to advise that Schmitts are used -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu