At 01:34 PM 2/10/02 -0800, you wrote: >So, using what amounts to the Freqout command from >a stamp, I generate my tone, but it isn't loud enough. > >Can you make a little amplifier using a single 2n2222 transistor? Well, sure, but I bet that's not the problem. The PIC has a fair bit of output drive for a piezo (which basically looks like a ~10n capacitor (depending on size). Try this: Try driving *two* port pins 180' out of phase, and connect the piezo across them. This gives you double the P-P voltage across the piezo. Higher supply voltage will help with both the output drive and the loudness. Make sure the PIC supply is well bypassed. Best regards, Spehro Pefhany --"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward" Info for manufacturers: Embedded software/hardware/analog Info for designers: 9/11 United we Stand -- hint: To leave the PICList