Hi, I'm looking at my first PIC project, and need some advice on the following. Rather than fooling around with a discrete crystal and a pair of caps for my oscillator circuit, can I just use a pre-packaged oscillator, like the Epson SG531-P line, with the OUT (pin 5) connected directly to OSC1 on the PIC? The PIC datasheet for the 16F8X parts (DS30430c, pg. 40), in figure 8-4, shows "clock from ext. system" going through an inverter before connecting to OSC1. What's the purpose of this inverter? Sorry if these questions are simple, but I'm a relative newbie with digital circuits. Thanks, John -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu