Been there, done that. With no manual. Here's what I did. My 7603's image became horribly distorted and "weird" looking. The sides come off easily; lo and behold: nearly all signal points are labeled. I checked the power supply voltages and found they were a little off. So I checked it with a different scope and found 120Hz riding on all the supplies. After paying an hour or two to the troubleshooting gods, I found one of the main filter caps in the supply had opened up. It happened to be the particular supply that all the other supplies used for a reference thus causing the 120 Hz to get into everything. Replaced the cap, back on the air. No manual. Just some time spent pondering. On the 7000 mainframes, *everything* has a connector so it makes it far easier to troubleshoot. So have faith; you might get lucky and be able to find the culprit. Good luck! Tom M. -- hint: To leave the PICList