At 12:24 PM 2/10/02 +0200, you wrote: >Any ideas on connecting 2 pics together to work in multi processor mode? The 16F87x line and I think others have I2C hardware built-in. IIRC that is a two wire bus, so it doesn't take a lot of pins. If you need speed you can try rigging the Parallel Slave Port on the 40 pin versions of the 16F87x's, but that is another 11 wires on the board, it should be quicker than I2C once it works. I tried making a PSP implementation once and it didn't work, but that doesn't mean it won't work for anyone else. I even made up my own self clocking one wire serial protocol before I was confident in using existing serial standards and existing built-in hardware. >Also do u have any link for serial communication in Borland c++ builder >for windows. Sorry, I can't help on this one. Jeff -- hint: To leave the PICList