Hello everyone, Until last night, my experience with the used Tektronics 475A = oscilloscope I recently bought on eBay had been only positive. But = yesterday, when I powered it on, the whole screen lighted up, then = started blinking at a rate of about 1Hz. I've never seen it do anything = like that before, so I tried adjusting the knobs. For about five = seconds, there was a diagonal line going across the screen, then it went = blank. =20 I turned off the instrument, let it sit for a few minutes, then powered = it back on. A dot appeared in the center of the screen, and it stayed = that way since. When a signal is applied, you can see a vertical line = whose lenghth is proportional to the amplitude of the signal. Tektronics discontinued this model in 1985, and I couldn't find any = information about the scope on their website, except that it had now = been replaced by the TDS380. Searching the web produced no results = either. I know that Dale and a few other people owned (or still own) the 475A = model. Can you guys give me some pointers on where to start? I don't = feel comfortable getting inside the scope without some kind of plan.. Sincerely, Vitaliy P.S. There is a *possibility* that the scope suffered some thermal = damage, because I accidentally covered up the ventilator hole in the = back of the oscilloscope.. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu