Hi Andrew, have you tried >>>> http://www.piclist.org/techref/microchip/keymatrix.htm >I expect this has probably been discused before. > >I am after ideas/code snippet really, my requirement is a fairly efficient >keypad routine (I have seen a few very long ones), which is NOT interrupt >driven. My own bit of software will decide at what times it is appropriate to >scan the keypad. My own software will have multiplexed display the time >period between outputting new display data may be used for keypad >debounced, so not worried about debounce, my bit of software will sort that >aspect out. > > >Really after ideas for subroutine that gets key value from a 4*4 keypad. (I >will sort debounce and when to scan). > >Many thanks for any help that you give. > >Cheers > >Andrew Farrar -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.