> Your description is exactly what I was thinking of. I'd be very interested > in seeing what you've got so far. Hi Ted, I'll try to get a web page up about it, and post the link when it's ready. > Have you got the H bridge FET drive stuff fully worked out? I have some > specific ideas in this area, seems to me that it should be possible to make > a very high current H bridge by using MOSFETs that can have on resistances > of 0.03 Ohms! The best thing I've found so far for MOSFET H-bridges is to drive them with the IR2112 chip(International Rectifier, you can get them at Digi-Key). Lets you use all N-channel MOSFETs. Remember that your losses are quite often governed by the back diode voltage, so the on resistance is not that important. At 50% duty cycle the diode is the biggest sucker of power. Cheers, Bob -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.