Hi, my problem: I transmit at 115200 Baud and have to set also the parity bit TXSTA ->Bit0(TXD9) Bank1 / odd Parity. I wrote the code for setting the bit and it works fine until speeds of 19.200 Baud but not for higher speeds! I found out that the bank switching to set bit TXD9 (bank1) disturbes the code. Here a chunk of the code: movfw STATUS ; this chunk of code saves the current status, then movf s_temp,w ; clears STATUS reg and switches to bank 1 bcf flagbyte,3 ; clear parity indication LED (for status display...) clrf STATUS bsf STATUS,RP0 ; switch to bank 1 bcf TXSTA,TX9D ; clear parity bit bcf STATUS,RP0 ; switch to bank 0 movf s_temp,w ; restore STATUS reg movwf STATUS ; goto txnrd ; jump to transmission code the red colored lines are the cause for the malfunction! As soon as I comment them out al works nice! But I need to switch to bank 1 or not? Any help wellcome.. Alf Schuster -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.