When I was in Mexico City I was working in a building that had a large gymnasium. They were going to refinish the floor, so the workers brought out a huge drum sander. They then proceeded to string together about 3 cables, taped together with just electrical tape. Then, they removed the service panel cover, and electrical taped the bare wires to the panel, before the breaker. I was impressed. Then of course was the lovely amounts of sawdust they proceeded to generate... Josh -- A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. -Douglas Adams "Alan B. Pearce" wrote: > I remember seeing wiring like this in a historical house in (I think) South > Dakota. Ceramic insulators about every foot which clamped wires with about a > 2 to 3 inch spacing. Almost a safer wiring system than some modern stuff. > > A guy I know went to India to rewire a school where his sister worked. He > said the wiring there was shocking. A wire would start from the fuseboard as > one colour, get extended at some point with a different colour, another > extension with whatever else happened to be around, possibly of yet another > colour, so by the time the connection reached its destination there could be > almost every possible colour of wire used, and you could not count on the > destination colour being correct. He also tested every cut-out He was > getting from the local store, and each day was doing a trip to replace the > next failed batch. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics