> Hi, i've been playing with pico-C compiler, > a free (and tiny) C compiler for the 16x84 PICs; > http://personal.eunet.fi/pp/jokinen/ > by Hannu Jokinen. > > I like the way you can slam together a piece of > C and just run pico-C to generate a piece of > assembler, like a nice complex function. It only > handles 8 bit variables but does most of the > simpler C commands ok, and can be a useful tool > for building functions if they have complex > logic, then just cut and paste the generated .asm > into your main .asm file. If you're going to use a restricted C compiler to generate assembler source code to import into an assembly prog, you might consider using an assembler that can actually understand complex expressions and generate the equivalent optimised assembler in situ for you. Kind of like very powerful macros. It can handle arrays in both code and data space, pointers and address arithmetic, and early out operators such as && and ||. It produces really tight code, with some expressions being reduced down to single machine instructions. It also works with 16 as well as 8 bit values. Checkout http://www.xcprod.com/gaea/web_demo.html Regards Sergio > > There are many PIC jobs i'd prefer to use C on, > mainly rushed projects, and it would be great if > there was a cheap and simple to set-up C compiler > for this purpose. Most i've seen have either been > large complex expensive compilers or very limited > free ones. > -Roman -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics