Jon Baker writes: > I would very much appreciate you enlightening me. Are you thinking > some complicated external hardware shift registers or something 'cause > I'm stuffed if I can see how to get that high a bitrate even if it is > for 50us without having to use one of the SX chips. A little bit of external hardware, but nothing really complicated. External oscillator, 74HC166 shift register, 74HC74 flip flop, and a few gates. You start with twice the bit rate for the PIC clock. You divide by two for the shift register clock. The PIC needs four clock cycles per non-branching instruction, so you get four instructions (16 oscillator clocks) per data byte. You do the opposite of what my closed-caption decoder does. The CC decoder samples line 21 at five times the bit rate, dumping the raw samples into memory. Then it uses the time during other scan lines to decode it. For encoding, it easier, because you don't need oversampling. You spend the non-blanking time of n scan lines (hopefully for a small value of n) formatting the buffer while generating black video output. Then you generate one scan line of "video" from the buffer. PIC +-------------------------+ | | +------------------------------|> | | | | | +------------+-------------|A0 | | | | ___ | | | | +-| \ | | | | -------- | )O--+ | | | +---|D Q|---|__/ | | B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 | | | | '00 | +-------------------------+ +--|>O--|> Q*| | | | | | | | | | | '04 -------- | | | | | | | | | | 74HC74 | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------------------+ | +--------------+ | | D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 | | | | | | | | | -------- | +--O|PE | | +---|D Q| | | | +------+ | | | | | | | 13.8 |--+-------|> Q*|---+-----------|> Q7 |----> to | MHz | -------- | | video +------+ 74HC74 +-------------------------+ 74HC166 Add'l circuitry to generate blanking and sync from PIC outputs not shown. The '04 inverter can obviously be replaced with another NAND gate from the '00. Or all the 74HC stuff can be put into one CPLD. One flip-flop is used to divide the oscillator clock to get the shift clock. The other is used together with the gates to produce a parallel load enable for the shift register. The parallel enable needs to be only one dot clock wide, but the narrowest pulse the firmware can produce on a port pin is two dot clocks wide. The firmware generates a two dot clock wide positive-going pulse, we use a flip-flop to delay it one dot clock, then NAND it with the undelayed pulse producing a negative pulse one dot clock wide. The inverter on the flip-flop clock is to make it negative-edge-triggered, so that the parallel load enable of the shift register will be stable during its clock input transition (rising edge). The code to generate the active video is an unrolled look like this: movf buf+0,w movwf portb bsf porta,0 ; pulse load input to shift register bcf porta,0 movf buf+1,w movwf portb bsf porta,0 ; pulse load input to shift register bcf porta,0 ; repeat 42 more times using successive bytes of the buffer movf buf+44,w movwf portb bsf porta,0 ; pulse load input to shift register bcf porta,0 movlw 0 ; generate black the rest of the time movwf portb bsf porta,0 ; pulse load input to shift register bcf porta,0 Note that the bcf and bsf instructions used to manipulate PA0 for the shift register load could modify any other port A outputs if the level on the pins was not the level in the output latches (if there is non-trivial loading on those pins). Not a problem if they are used as inputs. Email me if you need my address to send the check for consulting fees and/or royalties. Just kidding. Obviously I wrote this up for the fun of it. Anyhow, I haven't tested it, so I don't guarantee that it works. With an SX, you could do it entirely in software. Good luck! Eric -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads