Hi Dave, I bought my first 'scope when 13 years old, a Hameg 307, 10 MHz, one channel, cost me more than half a year of my pocket money, and still my father added abt 75% of the cost. Last April it celebrated its 20 th anniversary, and I still use it some, it is still as good as it was 20 years ago. Of course, I have progressed along the line, and my most recent buy was a TEK 485 (350 MHz) for 700 Deutschmarks (abt. 300 $US), and I consider this one among the best 'scopes for any hobbyist - IF we are talking analog 'scopes, that is. I have worked several years as developer at a well-known 'scope manufacturer in Frankfurt, Germany, they are called HAMEG, in the US IIRC they are called B+C, this gave me a lot of insights also for preferring analog 'scopes to digital ones for ALMOST any work. I have used the TEK TDS220 and the big 300 series, and "I was not amused"! Cumbersome menus, knobs responding a lot after "realtime", and - hear, hear - some nasty software errors, if you knew where to look for them... My "I wish I had it" instrument is the TEK 2467, a 400 MHz unit with a super optical amplification unit in front of the CRT. Price for this one - albeit used - is absolutely prohibitive! But for the lucky guys who have used it sometime, it is abolutely the best. Greets Jochen Feldhaar DH6FAZ (BTW: I always use my analog 'scopes for looking at serial signals, to check for baud rates and voltage levels. I even use the 'scope instead of a multimeter in most instances where I am looking for a fault in some circuitry) Dave Dribin schrieb: > > On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 01:37:59PM -0700, Dwayne Reid wrote: > > I consider a scope to be *essential* if you are going to be doing any > > serious electronics work. I use a dual trace analog scope (Tek 465) as my > > main tool - I use more it than I use any other instrument. Even more than > > a multi-meter or DMM. I reach for the scope probe whenever I need to > > measure a voltage or see just the circuit is doing. > > Would an analog scope, like the Tek 465, be useful for a serial > digital signal, like the PS/2 port on a PC? I guess I'm asking, would > a used Tek 465 or a used TDS 210 be a better buy for a > beginner/hobbyist doing some PC integration projects? From the looks > of it, a used TDS 210 goes for about 3 times a used Tek 465, but if > it's 3 times as useful, I may consider it. > > -Dave > > -- > http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: > [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads