> Did I read in a thread recently that a fast starting oscillator is also a > potential problem? Should I ground the OCS1 while programming? That's the vcc to vpp rise: you can get away with a slow rise when it does not 'span' more than X clock cycles. > I'm guessing I don't need to tie LVP low if I'm using HVP, correct? Might work, might not work. Better be safe than sorry. > How about breadboards? Since I'm just starting out, most of my work is done on > these. Since I've read here that they are 'big capacitors', is this also a > source of problems? Even if no other part of the circuit is connected to RB6 > and RB7. I never found that a problem. A few 10's of pf is not what I would call big. > Finally what about the programmer? Once ISCP programmer I've tried works about > 10% of the time, on 16F84A and 16F628 parts always in HVP mode. I recently got > a ICD, on the same breadboard, same MCLR > 10K R > VCC, it works 100% percent of > the time on 16F87x parts. Maybe the inconsistent programmer is getting bit by > the oscillator issue (I'll go try that now)? could be. Wouter van Ooijen Van Ooijen Technische Informatica: http://www.voti.nl Jal compiler for PIC uC's: http://www.voti.nl/jal PICs kopen? http://www.voti.nl/shop -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu