Hi all! My suggestion to everyone who has tight on money (and who hasn't) and has time to wait for next versions... ...WAIT!!! My experience comes from versions 3.038 to 3.053 (these versions in a little over one month). One of my problems was using getc() function in RX interrupt routine. My interrupt routine did not work until for a _long_ debugging and until I replaced getc() with something like. char_received = RCREG // (direct from receiver) I changed only one line. I also reported one bug with no response, but quess what? It was repaired, but it was not listed on the recent changes list. Without those bugs, it would be great compiler for smaller PICs. I would wait until version 3.210 or something like that. Their software policy is quite weird too. First you pay for a compiler (that should be so bug free you could earn your living with it) and then you must pay for fixes that make compiler working (in other words you do beta testing for them and you pay for it). I'dont know how bug free CCS's last versions have been, but maybe someone with more experience could tell us. "Keep your bullshit detector in good workin' condition." -Forrest Gump- -Tommi Paunonen -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu