Sorry, I didn't put the correct subject router the first time. I have just gotten my first 16F877 and have programmed it to do a simple "turn on the led" program (the LEDON program in Myke's book, where RB0 should follow the state of RA0). It is so simple it doesn't work. The XT oscillator config is programmed, but on the OSC1/CLKIN pin 13 I see a tristate condition. On OSC2/CLKOUT pin 14 I see the oscillator frequency. I am using a 3 pin ceramic resonator with the center pin grounded. Both Vdd and both Vss pins are correctly connected, and the MPU is bypassed with .1uF. MCLR is tied high through a 1K resistor. Anyone have any suggestions on how to get past this Homer Moment (D-OH!) TIA, Doug Hemingway -- hint: To leave the PICList