At 08:45 PM 2/3/02 -0600, you wrote: > The sad thing is that a low power transmitter would not have worked. I am >considering a digital camera, that will take snap shots and store the image >to flash. About one image per 10 seconds, after the alarm has been >activated, till it runs out of memory or until the alarm is reset. > A JPG 640X480 image is about 40K, an 1megx8 flash is about 25 images, at 10 >seconds apart, will be about 4 minutes of pictures. This should be enough to >get at least one good picture. > >Gordon Varney >Victim number 3 from the list. I had an idea along those lines also. It occurred to me that they might want to tear the car apart trying to find the camera with their photo. So accompany it with an ISD speech chip that blares out a message like "Your photo has just been sent to the sheriffs department. Please get out of the car and an officer will be here in two minutes to arrest you." This way, they leave but get *very* worried about their picture being sent off. Also, it leaves them thinking that their picture *has* been sent off and that there is no reason to hang around and try to find the camera that took it. Tom M. -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.