I'm just getting into using EL backlights: 1. Who makes them? 2. Are they all custom sizes, like LCD's 3. How do they produce different colors? Filters? Who makes the filters? 4. How in the world does somebody go about prototyping with one of these animals? Obtaining samples? --Lawrence ----- Original Message ----- From: +ACI-Alan B. Pearce+ACI- +ADw-A.B.Pearce+AEA-RL.AC.UK+AD4- To: +ADw-PICLIST+AEA-MITVMA.MIT.EDU+AD4- Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 5:27 AM Subject: Re: +AFs-EE+AF0-: EL LCD's +AD4- +AD4-..of course you have a wider choice of LED colours these days, and I +AD4- +AD4-just saw an ad from Toshiba for a LED based lighting system using UV +AD4- +AD4-leds (aimed at auto dachboard apps) , which allows almost any colour +AD4- +AD4-by suitabe choice of phosphors +AD4- +AD4- Reminds me of my fathers 1958 Wolseley 6/90 which had UV filters over the +AD4- bulbs, and watch type fluorescent paint on all the dashboard instruments. +AD4- Produced the best night time dashboard I have ever come across and it still +AD4- glowed after everything was turned off. +AD4- +AD4- -- +AD4- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: +AD4- +AFs-PIC+AF0-:,+AFs-SX+AF0-:,+AFs-AVR+AF0-: -+AD4-uP ONLY+ACE- +AFs-EE+AF0-:,+AFs-OT+AF0-: -+AD4-Other +AFs-BUY+AF0-:,+AFs-AD+AF0-: -+AD4-Ads +AD4- +AD4- -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads