Again, I feel really bad. My intent was not to steal anything from Roman and I credit his idea on the Web page. I just wanted something similar that would run on my hardware -- it seems like quite a few people can't get the other program to run (including me). I even did a Web search for something similar before writing my own (and yes, there is a Java applet and several other programs on the Web that does the same thing, but didn't have a lot of the features I wanted; one of them is $6 shareware). - Free, big, and does most everything. Really more than Roman or I have even thought about attempting. - I thought about starting with this guy's source code, but I wanted a break from Java. 0001-103-1.lst-7-2.874098 I'm not selling ASCIICad so I'm not profiting off Roman's idea, which he was (mostly) giving away anyway. His library ideas are far in advance of anything I will do with ASCIICAD, and I hope he will continue to develop his program. Roman's right that my program does not capture what a lot of people on the list asked for. I wrote it for myself and so it fits my needs and runs on my hardware. Since Roman was good enough to share his creation freely, I thought it would be good to do the same. In retrospect, I'd probably just keep it to myself :-) Again Roman, my apologies and I regret you feel like something has been taken from you or that my attitude was (quoting from your message): "ha ha I can do that too" -- nothing could be further from the truth. I have certainly had similar experiences. Those of you who are hams might remember my PSKGNR software (also free). It work with G3PLX's PSK software and at one time I estimate that 70-80% of the hams using PSK31 used my software. Now there is other software that works by itself and only a small group of people still use PSKGNR. If I had not been giving it away, I might have found time to develop an "all in one" version of PSKGNR. But I was giving it away, so I was glad to see even more free software that my program had influenced. I even gave some of the other authors advice. So again, accept my apologies Roman. If you like, I won't announce any new changes I make on the list. Al Williams AWC * Easy RS-232 Prototyping > > I beg to differ. Here's the events as I see them. > Making a small powerful ascii program for piclist -- hint: To leave the PICList