Hi all, I have some questions below: - 1. Are there any forum/mailing lists on the topic for data communication ? It could be in the area of telephony, LAN or WAN. 2. In my place ( and in many places in the world ), we access the internet by dialing a common number that will connect us to an Internet Service Provider server. What i wanted to know badly is, how the connection being made from our phone to the server? What is the device that combines all these calls and forward to the server? What are the connection from the device to the server? The TCP/IP protocol aside, i wanted to know, what device that accept the calls that all the subscriber made and how is that being relayed to the server? Can you provide some examples of those device? Cisco 7500? 3. Actually the main reason of asking these questions is because I am searching for a product which i do not know whether it existed or not, or maybe it does, but in a different form. But basically my requirement are these - There will be a modem like device that can be attached to a normal PSTN line. This device (when necessary) will dial a common number, let say the number 100. Once the connection is established, the device will send a small amount of data ( let say 300 bytes) to the destination server. Once done, the device will automatically put the phone line to 'on hook' again(disconnected). The data are send using the FSK modulation method. That can be easily done, if there is only one line. Now, what if i wanted to do it just like those dial up internet connection? Meaning, there will be a common number, and there could be 10 devices that can be connected simultaneously at any one time. It will be very much like those dial up Internet with the only difference, there will not be TCP/IP involve. The device will call the number, once connected, dump a 300 bytes data in the form of FSK and then disconnect. Thanks for reading and have a nice day. Rgds, Pang -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu