I was today asked to do a little job. The person asked if I could do it before the weekend. I hmm'ed and haa'ed and said no, but Monday or Tuesday would be OK. She must have interpreted my hesitation for something else (I was only having a think about the practicalities) because she added "Would it help if I paid more to get it done now ?" "Ka-ching" I thought, but would I be entitled to do so ? To me, the pay made no difference to how fast I got something done. I work any and all hours, so over-time doesn't come into it Reflecting on some other instances of "rush" or "priority" pricing I sort of came to the conclusion that it's a crock to ask for more money for what you'd do in the normal course of events. If you have two jobs to do, and you temporarily sideline one in favour of the other for more money, should you then discount the other to balance your conscience ? (OK OK, I know the answer to that one). At the end of the day, both jobs were done at their normal pace, just that one customer thinks they got some special treatment. Are they paying for that ? I guess it's like buying branded items - they might not be any better than Acme brand, but you think they are. Superficial ? -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics