> Jinx, did you get the deadline extended at all? Or is the clock still > ticking (*ahem) and are you still due for a week today? :) Ship docks 29th, leaves 29th. Rush rush rush, full steam, er, diesel, ahead. It won't be back until March 29th (doing a circuit of the islands and US Pacific coast. Some people get all the crappy jobs ;-)) ). Just one day to get it all right. If Mr Cock-up comes knocking, we ain't home > For my actual contribution, as it was mentioned, check out NMEA. > Should be fairly easy to hook up to a PIC with a UART It'll be 16F628-based so as long as I make sure the interface is electrically compatible, there shouldn't be any problems. Watch out for "[EE]: How to re-wire a large ship while fending off a bellicose Chief Engineer ?" -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics