> The internal RC osc is temperature compensated, the WDT > is not I believe your practical experience. From what is in the manuals though you'd have trouble coming to conclusions about RC, ER and Int Osc From the 16F84 manual, about RC "For timing insensitive applications......frequency is a function of temperature and supply voltage........vary from unit to unit.... lead frame capacitance.......see the Electrical Specification Section........." The same (almost) paragraph is in the F628 manual, now with reference to ER mode (which replaced F84 RC mode) Again, readers are directed to the ES Section, but apart from some very general specs, there are no details. Form the F628 manual "The internal RC oscillator provides a fixed 4MHz (nominal) system clock at Vdd=5V and 25C. See ESS for information on variation over voltage and temperature" The nominal 4MHz Int Osc spread is given as 3.65 to 4.28 (-9% to +7%), but no details about variance due to T or V as promised (AFAICT) At least they provided Notes pages -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads