>I have a house with very dirty electricity. At night I can watch the lights >slowly dim and brighten. I'm not talking about the normal surges you see when >turning on a vaccuum cleaner, shop tool, or other high current appliance. This >is a fairly continuous, but random, fluctuation. The period of the >fluctuations >seems to range from a few tens of seconds to a few minutes. So far I >can't find >anything in the house that would be causing power surges like that. The power >company has come out (during the day when its less obvious) and they think I'm >nuts. The funny thing is that the house is only about 10 miles from a nuclear >power plant (North Anna, Virginia, USA for the curious), so you'd think I'd be >getting the good stuff. > Does anybody have any idea what might cause this? Or anyway to fix it? For twenty-five years I lived in a decaying Victorian mansion that had been wired with knob-and-tube in the 1920s. The service entrance had an enormous cartridge fuse inside the house. The silver plating on the end caps of this fuse had tarnished and resulted in a non-linear resistance in series with the power sourced into the house. It caused fluctuations like the ones you described. Clue: AC voltage measurement between the fuse clips and the metal caps. Pulled out the fuse, polished the end caps, reinstalled, kept a sharp eye on it ever after, as this could generate heat and be a fire hazard. Reg Neale -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics