> > Don't go crazy with the output power level, especially if you > > sit admiring your repeller in your lap !! > > > > http://www.gumption.org/mcip/paper.html > > > > Ultrasound sub-heading, 2/3 down page > > > Hi Jinx, > > Is that supposed to be a joke or a friendly warning? A little of both. Power lines, cell phones, microwaves - claims of health problems were at one time dimissed as scare-mongering. Now look at the safety issues being raised - brain cancer from cell phones, god-knows- what from 50/60Hz fields, retinal damage from microwaves and VDUs............... Looking around the web you can find no end of claims that ultrasound repels mosquitoes, with products priced anywhere from 6.99 to 49.99. But are they any good ? Does ultrasound really repel mosquitoes ? Does the sound of a dragonfly really repel mosquitoes ? I am sceptical that a simple electronic device can convincingly imitate natural sounds well enough. For instance, if so many millions of people are affected by malarial mosquitoes, why can I find no reference to any concerted effort to distribute electronic mosquito repellers by WHO or UN or some other organisation. If they can be sold at retail level for 6.99, what price could you expect in bulk ? $1 ? If someone can prove that simple EMPs work, and which bugs they work on, I'll happily eat my hat, with every word here sprinkled on it ================================================= http://nature.gardenweb.com/forums/load/cooking/msg011449255764.html I received one of those electronic mosquitoe chasers. It advertises an ultrasonic method of keeping mosquitoes away. It also claims to work in a radius of 16 ft. (800 sq ft) but on the package it claims 25 sq ft or a radius of 2'9". A wopping 32 X differance. I would bet the lawyers required the lower number. Anyhow this anoying little thing buzzes and wistles in the very hearable sonic range. I found it more annoying than a Northern Ontario moose sucking swam of mosquitoes Has anyone used these things and do they really work? Thanks Jeff ============================================= I've seen stories similar to this in New Zealand, notably several non-performing products examined on a consumer affaris show http://www.plant.uoguelph.ca/riskcomm/archives/animalnet/1998/6-1998/an-6-30 -98-1.txt FIRM STUNG FOR 4,000 OVER USELESS MOSQUITO REPELLER June 30/98 The British Times A company that sold an electronic mosquito repeller so ineffective that it put lives at risk from malaria was fined 4,000 yesterday. A trading standards volunteer who tested the device by using it as he put his hand into a container holding 30 of the insects was bitten more than 60 times in 90 seconds. He was bitten fewer times when the test was done with the repeller switched off. An official report on the device concluded that it had no effect in repelling mosquitoes. People who used the repeller would put their lives at risk from malaria if they did not use other forms of protection. Innovations (Mail Order), the company responsible for selling 10,000 of the 7.99 Mosquito Repeller, had pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing at Winchester Crown Court to applying a false trade description -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads