On 08-Jan-02 Josh Koffman wrote: > This sounds interesting. Is it just a small oscilloscope? Normal sized display (about 5"x4" I guess). I used a pair of old ZN425E DACs that I "borrowed" from an old Z80 basec project. The 'scope has a DC coupled Z-mod input that will blank the display with a +5V signal. Using a 10Mhz Xtal I can display the full 10x8 characters without flicker. I used a test pattern of repeated A-Z (it only displays upper case) but the refresh rate would drop lower with a worst case of all "8"s (8 has the most vectors in it I think) 8 is draw like this .... _ / \ \_/ / \ \_/ Peter. ---------------------------------- E-Mail: Peter Onion Date: 08-Jan-02 Time: 09:57:19 This message was sent by XFMail ---------------------------------- -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics