Greetings Im in the process of trying to code a plugin for misim DE that does serial ( Receive ) comms. Transmit will come later, have to get my head around java first. Anyways, I can never remeber the polarity issue. When i use a pic ( 16f84 ) to talk rs232 via a max232 or similar level translator, does my "1" bit have to be ttl high or ttl low ? I know the serial line uses high for 0 and low for 1 and idle is 0 ( high line states ) and start is 1 ( low line state ) Also, besides actually catching the transmitted bytes and displaying them what other "features" should i add to the plugin? I was thinking of : 1) Checking the pluse lenghts to check for possible overruns 2) Baud rate to be wholy user settable, even allowing rates that a PC cannot do ) 3) Parity checking 4) Option to look for 9-bit addresses 5) Option to select transmission via max 232 type or "direct drive" 6) Any Speed Processor Any ideas / comments ? -- hint: To leave the PICList