Sending again... I will have a go ... I am guessing from all I have read on the list that servo's are Pulse Width Modulated. You initially set the counter to zero, then turn portA.0 on. The delay is called and decs counter by 1 so result is 255. So it continues to count down to 0 and that's when it will return. (This may or may not be 1ms) On returning you set the counter to 90 and call the delay. (This delay being 90/256 of the first delay) but the code does NOT turn off PortA.0 i.e. BCF Servo1 after the first Delay Call. I think this is the problem for Servo1. To control Servo2 you will need to define as you have for Servo1 and then add the instructions BSF Servo2 and BCF Servo2 in the right places. To control them independently, well that's a little more involved. You could use inputs that when active you change the values that you put into counter for the delays. i.e. increment or decrement counter values as required. I hope this helps, I am reasonably new to this myself so I may be leading you astray. Justin -----Original Message----- From: Prince Anamalech [mailto:anamalech@HOTMAIL.COM] Sent: Friday, 4 January 2002 15:06 To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: [PIC]: My Servo code that i need help on plz? Here is my servo code? i am not sure how good it all is ? as i am new to mplab and assembly language! but i think i may have gone wrong with the servo updates somewhere? ??? :) each servo is on porta.0 and port a.1 of my 16f84? but i have only written some code for one servo? how do i implement two and get the code to work for me? eg. backwards,forwards? Below is the code! Thankyou all in advance anamalech ;"SmartBot Servo Test Program - Written By Anamalech" INCLUDE "P16F84.INC" BSF STATUS,RP0 ;Set register bank 1 CLRF TRISA ;Set All PORTA Pins to outputs Counter EQU 0Ch ;Servo delay counter register Position EQU 0Dh ;Servo Position register #DEFINE Servo1 PORTA,0 ;Defines Servo (A.0) I/O Pin on PIC16F84 Servo MOVLW 0 ;Load Counter with # of cycles for MOVWF Counter ;1 ms Servo Delay BSF Servo1 ;Activate the Servo output CALL Delay ;Wait for 1ms to pass MOVF 90,0 &nb! ! ! sp; ;Load W with servo posi tion ;00 & FF=extremes, 128=centre MOVWF Counter ;and store in Counter for next delay CALL Delay ;Keep servo active for position delay GOTO Servo Delay ;Servo time delay NOP ;Pad the loop with one cycle DECFSZ Counter ;Counter=Counter-1 GOTO Delay ;If Counter is not 0, repeat RETURN ;If 0, return END Web: Email: _____ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Click Here -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details. -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.