Hi all :o) Now before anyone says this is not possible, I am off the morphine, I slept last night, I had regular breaks from the computer, and I can not drink alcohol after having my gall bladder removed, but this happened and I saw it, and if someone wants I can post the MAX 232 chip to them so they can vouch for this fault ;o) (if I do not turn it in to a pet first ;o) Ok I have an AVR 8515 (but any Uc will do this) I connected it up as per the destruction manual (correctly as a new chip fixed the fault) my program is set to receive a byte, and then dump one out back to the PC. nothing happened under hyperterm, but using term95 (from my beloved Norton's commander) in hex mode I found that with every byte I sent, the result was above normal 7 bit hex (infact shifted one bit to the left (^2)) and a byte of 00h followed it. Now correct me if I am wrong the MAX 232 only level shifts and inverts (plus generates the + - 10V) so how can it do this ?? Yes I did remove the AVR and short the TX and RX ttl lines and same problem so it has to be the MAX 232 (it is built on strip board but the tracks and jumpers are less than 2") Any ideas ??? Also anyone know a good hex terminal for win 2k as hyperterm is giving me the S$%TS Regards, Kat. ____________________________________________________________________________ /"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign | K.A.Q. Electronics \ / - NO HTML/RTF in e-mail | Software and Electronic Engineering X - NO Word docs in e-mail | Perth Western Australia / \ | Ph +61 419 923 731 ____________________________________________________________________________ -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads