> How much LEDs (of the average, 5mm/20mA kind) must I roughly > use to make a 7-segment display that has good visibility in > 'average' outdoor daylight? The application is a countdown display > for a car race, each digit 20 .. 50 cm high. Any experience, URLs? Hi, I got asked to look at something similar a couple of years ago and in the end rejected LEDs. Each segment would have needed around 3 rows of 40, so a single digit was 7 x 3 x 40 = 840 LEDs. At the time that was around $160. Plus the PCBs and components was another $100 / digit. For a 6-digit display total came in at around $1500 + assembly costs + housing + PSU. Ouch. I thought it would be far simpler and cheaper to use magnetic segments made of aluminium. One side is black, the other side is fluoro-yellow, and they can be flipped using a (home-made ?) solenoid pulling a lever. They can also be made larger with no increase in cost. A good source of thin aluminium sheet is printing plate. Ask at any decent-sized printers, they throw a lot out -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu