Anyone out there have a USB adapter for a Microsoft Sidewinder gamepad, or the pinout for one? I've seen one, but the guy in RadioShack wouldn't let me take a continuity tester to it... Seems to me that there wasn't enough to it to have any kind of circuitry in the thing, so the USB stuff is probably done on unused data lines on the connector. I'm hoping it's that kind of a passive thing, so if anyone can tell me what the pinout is, I'd appreciate it. (Note on why I don't have one, yet have the gamepad: Found it in the ultra-discount bin at a Future Shop boxing day sale. $25 for a $100 gamepad, but the computer where it's going has no free game port - lots of USB, though, thanks to 2 internal hubs) Thanks, -Randy Glenn Measure twice, cut once, curse, discard. Repeat. ================================================= - Not that the site works yet, of course... ================================================= -- hint: To leave the PICList