A DBS box splitter contains a few diodes that prevent the various boxes from each feeding the downconverter supply (only one does). There are usually instructions on which port has control. The other port is limited to see channels with the same polarization (as selected by the first box). good luck, Peter PS: Check everything twice! There is a very good chance that you fry the downconverter and/or the boxes if you are not careful. Also the signal strength may not be enough to feed two boxes on one singal. It depends where you are. You may need a wideband amplifier. Schematics have been published (The amp needs to amplify cca 0.5 to 1.8GHz by 6-12dB with Nf < 5dB - this is trivial nowadays - f.ex BFR90 etc). The 'subscription' usually applies to seeing one set of channels on one set ;-). -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.