For my holidays I thought I'd build a nice PIC radiation detector. I've researched the web and asked around, and have found two non-Geiger circuits that look promising. Both involve a diode of some sort for a detector, followed by a FET-style opamp, followed by an audio or comparator stage for final output processing. My question involves the diode detector: One seems to call for a 'large-area photodiode', something that I don't offhand have in the junkpile, and the other for what looks like a high-voltage automotive diode 1n3191. Can anyone tell me why an automotive diode would work for this, OR wheter something fairly common might work? I have a no-brand small-area photodiode with a glass lens available. here is the link to one of the circuits: Any advice would be appreciated. Alice Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping! -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body