HI. EG3 http://www.cera2.com/index.html is pretty popular but I don't like them because their rating systems is very much influenced by paid ads. Of course magazines buyer's guides tend to have lots of information laid out in detailed charts, but they are also inclined to only tell you about companies that have paid their fees, besides, either yo get the mag or you don't. You can't just go find it when you need it. My company, Vesta Techonolgy makes versatile, low-power, pic-based SBCs and I think that we do an excellent job of giving you all the information you might want on our web site (but then I maintain the web site, so I'm biased). our site is www.vestatech.com. sorry I don't have a perfect answer for you. However I do have this nifty chart of our competitors and their web sites: Company Web site Key words AAEON Electronics www.aaeon.com PC/104 Accelent sys www.accelent.com PCMCIA Acces IO www.acces-usa.com Acqutek www.acqu.com Backplane cameras displays pentium ACT Tecnico www.acttechnico.com PCI Actisys www.actisys.com ADAC www.adac.com PCI Adaptive Systems, Inc. www.adaptivesystems.com x86 Adastra www.adastra.com PC/104 PCI WinCE Adtron www.adtron.com Advanced Design System www.advdesignsolutions.com Advanced Digital Logic, Inc. www.digitallogic.ch Embedded PC Advantech www.advantech.com Aerotech www.aerothechusa.com Alacron www.alacron.com PCI, VME Algorythmic www.algor.co.uk PCI, ISA,PCMCIA Alphi Technology www.alphitech.com PCI PC/104 VME Alta Technology www.altatech.com PCI Mezzanine AM Reasearch www.amresearch.com Embedded Control American Predator www.americanpreditor.com Ampro Computers www.ampro.com PC, PC104, EBX analog devices www.analog.com antona www.antona.com Apex Embedded Systems www.apexembedded.com Applied Data Systems www.flatpanels.com WinCE Flatpanels Applied Integrations www.appliedi.com Appor www.appro.com network appliances Arbor Technology www.arbor.com.tw/main/htm pc/104 Arcom Control Systems www.arcom.co.uk/eg3 Arise www.arisecomputer.com/www.araise.com Ashware www.ashware.com TPU Atlas Communication Engines www.ace360.com Avantech www.avantech.com Pentium AVR Sprint www.embedsys.com Axiom Manufacturing www.axman.com Axiom Technology www.axiomtek.com pci, Data acquisition, pentium Bagotronix www.bagotronix.com Embedded Control -188 Basicon Inc. www.basicon.com Bipom www.bipom.com 8051 Bittware Research Systems www.bittware.com Blue earth research www.blueearthresearch.com 8051, 8052, Basic boser www.boser.com x86 BVM limited www.bvmltd.com Carlo Gavazzi www.carlogavazzi.com Catalyst Enterprises www.catalyst-ent.com Celerity Systems www.csidaq.com Cell Computing www.cellcomputing.com CETIA www.cetia.com Cetia www.cetia.com Coactive networks www.coactive.com COMARK www.comarkcorp.com CompuLab www.compulab.co.il PC 486CORE Concur systems www.concursys.com Connecticut Micro computers www.2cmc.com networking and swiches Corelis www.corelis.com Cyclone Microsystems www.cyclone.com cPCI PCI VME Densan www.densan.com cPCI VME Densitron www.densitron.com rugged, pentium Digital OEM Business Segment www.digital.com/info/oem Dy 4 Systems inc www.dy4.com VME SBC Dynamic Engineering mezzanine, PC/104,PCI Dynatem www.dynatem.com VME SBC EMAC www.emacinc.com 188 x86+F37 Embedded Support Tools Corp www.estc.com dev tools Embedex www.embedex.com Embedtec www.embedetec.com PCI ISA EMJ emjembedded.com PC104 EMS www.embededde-pc104.com PC104 Epson Electornic www.eea.epson.com Expert Electronics www.expert-tw.com Force Computers www.forcecomputers.com Gateworks www.gateworks.com General Micro Systems www.gms4vme.com VME SBC Sparc Sbus coldfire Gespac www.gespac.com Global American www.global American.inc Hectronic www.hectronic.com HiTech Equipment Corp www.hte.com SBC Emmulators 188 8051 Ibase www.ibase-I.com.tw pc104 I-Bus www.ibus.com Industrial Computers www.or-computers.com Industrial CPU Systems www.icpu.com Inside Technolgy USA www.inside-us.com Intec Automation www.steroidmicro.com embedded Power PC Interlogic www.infoview.com SBC Backplanes, VME Itox www.itox.com JED Microsystems jedmicro.com Jkmicrosystems www.jkmicro.com Dos Linux KG Systems www.kgsystems.com tiny tiger Kinnetic Computers Corp www.kin.com wirelwess WinCE Lanner www.lannerinc.com ISA PC/104 PICmg Libbert www.libbert-at.com consultant, developer industrial sys MATRIX corp. www.matrix.com Rugged WinCE MCSI www.mcsi1.com CP Compatible Megatel Computer Corp www.megatel.ca PCI PC/104 -332 Micro Computer Specialists www.mcsil.com micro Design www.microdesignco.com PCI PC/104 Micro Industries www.microindustries.com Micro Vention www.microvention.com micro bench tool kit for home embedded elec Micro/sys www.embeddedsys.com PC/104 Pentium Small 8051 Microbus www.microbus.com Microdigital software software Micromint www.micromint.com embedded modems, TCP/IP RTC BCC PicStic Midwest Micro-Tek www.midwestmicro-tek.com 188 controller used by Artcturus Momentum computers www.momenco.com VME compactPCI Mosaic Industries www.mosaic-industries.com touch Motorola Computer group www.mcg.mot.com MVS www.mvsweb.com National Instruments www.natinst.com measurement New Micros, Inc. www.newmicros.com Forth Nu Horizons www.nuhorizons.com passive components manufactured by Nippon Industries Co., Ltd nucleus www.nucleus1.com Octagon Systems www.octagonsystems.com rugged, palm, PC104 (bad guys) OKW electronics www.okwelectronics.com Onset www.onsetcomp.com data loggers, -332 O'S systems www.ossystems.net Paralax www.paralaxinc.com Hobbiest, PIC PC engines www.pcengines.com Pep Modular Computers www. Phytec www.phytec.com/USAmerica/ 8051 x86 PLC www.tri-plc.com modbus distributed control system Pond www.pond.ie quake Modular technologies www.hypertechnologies.com Rabbit Rabbitsemiconductor.com Core tool modules with ethernet Radisys www.radisys.com Pentium "total communication solution" Real Time Devices www.rtduse.com Recortec www.recortec.com Pentium Remote Processing www.remotep.com,www.RP3.com measurement 188 RES www.RS485.com Rigel www.rigelcorp.com 8051 RLC www.rlc.com RMV www.RMV.com SBC Designs www.sbcdesigns.com scsi, RAID SBS www.sbs.com Sea level www.sealevel.com Sinetic www.sinetics.com rugged Sirius Microsystems www.siriusmicro.com Pic Tools Site Player www.siteplayer.com data acquisition Sky Computers www.sky.com Smart Modular Technologies www.smartm.com Falsh 500 products Square1 www.square1industries.com celeron, 786 steatite www.staetite.co.uk Pentium synergy micro systems www.synergymicro.com PCI, VME Systran www.systran.com DSP Technoland www.technoland.com Technologic Systems www.t-systems.com Teknor Industrial Computers, Inc. www.teknor.com PC on Board tempustech www.tempustech.com Tern www.tern.com microcontrollers -188 Themis Computer www.themis.com SPARC VME Toronto Microelectronics - TME www.tme-inc.com Trenton www.trentonprocessors.com ISA PCI Triangle Reasearch www.tri-plc.com PLC uclinux www.uclinux.com linux coldfire Versa Logic www.versalogic.com PC/104, STD32BUS Vesta Technology www.vestatech.com versatile PIC based, low power, w/ powerful Basic & animated remote debug. web site contains schematics, datasheets, and manuals vigilant www.vigilanttech.com PMC Motion Vista Controls Corp. www.vistacc.com VMIC www.vmic.com Weeder weedtech.com/ modular motion control Win Enterprise www.win-ent.com PC 104 WinCE windriver software Winsys www.winsystems.com PC/104 xtech www.xtechusa.com ZF Microsystems www.zfmicro.com Ziatech www.ziatech.com 1999 cPCI DSL sales $80million Z-World www.zworld.com embedded control & ethernet, -188 & -074* zykronix www.zykronix.com PC compatible -Mina Nichols Vesta Technology -----Original Message----- From: pic microcontroller discussion list [mailto:PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU]On Behalf Of Russell McMahon Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 4:27 AM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: [EE]: Microcontroller selector guides I'm on the search again for a microcontroller for a project. Has anyone got a reference to a selector guide which covers the features of a wide range of avail;able processors in a single place. Everyone is happy (enough) to tell you what they sell but you can spend a lot of time looking for all reasonable alternatives. FWIW my spec is Cost sensitive - ideally <= $US1 in 10k quantity MUST have 1 channel of 5 kHz real-time PWM capability. Resolution COULD be as low as around 5% steps but finer would be better (say 8 bits). [5 kHz at 5% duty cycle is 10 uS per step so one might ALMOST do this in software with a suitably fast cpu but as there are several realtimish tasks a timer based PWM is much preferred]. A second PWM channel would be nice but is not essential. A2D (8 bit OK) would be extremely desirable but not strictly essential Flash would be nice but OTP ok EEROM would be nice but not essential RC clock operation desirable. Anti brownout and inbuilt power on reset desirable. Cost sensitive UART nice but not .... IIC not really needed but if it was there ... Code memory of 1K probably OK. Limited RAM needed. Cost sensitive ... :-) SOIC packaging for production. Availability of DIP for initial prototyping would be useful. Reasonable (ie low $ or free :-) ) priced development tools desirable. Assembler OK, free or cheap C etc would not be unwelcome. OTP / Flash and mask versions would be useful. Manufacturer not in Chapter 11 or any variant thereof would be nice :-) Technically responsive supplier would be useful. My feeling is that any PIC which meets the hardware spec tends to fail the price spec. Russell McMahon _____________________________ -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body