Hi, I am trying to build a PIC IR Proximity Detector, the bascic TX circuit is figure 2 on this page >>> http://www.rentron.com/Infrared_Remote_Control.htm If I add a small resistor (10-330 ohms) between the IR led and gnd, it changes the distance the RX circuit detects a reflection from (10cm -120cm) So, I thought if I add a digital pot instead of manually changing the resistor, I could make a rudimentary IR Proximity Detector. Problem Digikey only sells a 10k digital pot, I was hoping to find a smaller one,like <= 1k, anybody know where I could get one ? Is their an easier way to do this with a PIC ? I already looked at the Sharp GP2D02, but I wanted someting cheaper. Thanks in advance, Kevin P.S. I am a programmer not an EE, so my electronics background is limited. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.