All I'll say on the subject at this point is that tantalum caps are great when you are dealing with lots of noise in a digital circuit, when you just can't seem to decouple well enough with cheap ceramic discs. I don't care why, nor do I care how many more pennies they cost. They just make great decoupling caps. CL > > > Russell McMahon wrote: > > > > > If you want to produce a product which MIGHT smell, > shriek, explode and > > > catch fire and/or short out various parts of its circuitry at > indeterminate > > > future dates then Tantalum caps are definitely the way to > go ! Because > this > > > isn't what happens in all cases and because, if you > design well and are > very > > > careful and lucky you may not have any problems, you are > now liable to > have > > > people telling you what fine caps Tantalums are ;-) > > > > I've seen resistors smoke and explode a lot > > too, maybe we should all stop using resistors. ;o) > > I don't know what bad experiences you had with > > the tantalums but I haven't seen any trouble with > > them. But then I never use a 16v cap on a 16v > > power supply rail. > -- hint: To leave the PICList