> In Brazil tried to cool the fuel, and it gave (they said) > improved > efficiency. heheh ;o) Cooling fuel does give more efficiency but not directly. It's quite common for race cars to run a "cool can" which is a bucket of ice that the fuel line runs through. A small increase in efficiency is gained by the atomized fuel cooling the intake air, making it more dense so it improves the volumetric efficiency. It's worth a couple of horsepower, which isn't much but it is cheap. The major gain occurs when it gets into the combustion chamber and cools the residual gases from the previous exhaust cycle. Removing some of that heat means that you can run a higher compression ratio and that makes more power. Water injection does the same thing. It's similar to Octane ratings. A higher octane doesn't produce more power, but it allows you increase the peak cylinder pressure (through static compression ratio, supercharging, etc) before unwanted things occur. That assumes no EFI computer that winds it up until it starts to rattle and then backs it off half a turn. > Thats what I thought nitros oxide did, help cool the fuel air mixture > so ya can get more in there, as with turbo charging supercharging etc. Nitrous is really good at cooling the intake temp as it is in liquid form until it is right in the intake stream. Crack open a propane tank and see how cold the valve gets. Then it does a double duty by using up combustion chamber heat to dissociate into nitrogen & oxygen. And then as an added bonus, you've got twice as much free oxygen to burn. Because of the cooling you can bolt 150hp of nitrous onto a V8 without any modification other than retarding the timing a bit (notwithstanding the bottom end hanging together). If you did the same with a mechanical supercharger, you'd be draining pistons out of the sump plug. > I always asked why not just add a bottle of O2 but that is obvious > now. It's been tried but it has a few major problems. A tank the size of a scuba bottle holds around 90 cubic feet of gas under pressure. A street 350 cid engine sucks around 600 cubic feet of air per minute so a tank isn't going to last long. Second problem - Pure oxygen + oil = bang. This is good if the bang occurs in the right place and at the right time. You've just got to get it there. That's what makes nitrous so good, it needs the heat of the chamber to break into a form that goes bang and is relatively inert until then. More power ! :-) Steve. ====================================================== Steve Baldwin Electronic Product Design TLA Microsystems Ltd Microcontroller Specialists PO Box 15-680, New Lynn http://www.tla.co.nz Auckland, New Zealand ph +64 9 820-2221 email: steveb@tla.co.nz fax +64 9 820-1929 ====================================================== -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu