I am actually planning on the 5 volt regulator for powering everything (the pic and the LCD display that is going into the computer/s front bay!). I also immediately thought of just using a voltage divider to output a FOURTH of the voltage off of the 12 volts, and to half the five volts. Since the 16F877's built in A to D 's can handle up to 5 volts. I would just use a 4* and a 2* software multiplier to get the correct voltages back. The LCD is going to display temperature (using a National LM3402 temp. sensor) of the processor and monitor the 5 and 12 volts. (that is why I used a 16F877). I plan to wedge the temp sensor between the fins of the processors heatsink near the base, and use some type of software offset to more accurately gauge the true temperature of the AMD processor. My concerns were: 1. I thought I should put the 5 volt regulator for powering everything off of the 12 volt supply. WOULD IT BE BAD TO HANG THIS OFF OF THE 5 VOLT LINE- BECAUSE THIS COULD DIP BELOW 5 VOLTS? IS A 5 VOLT REGULATOR EVEN NEEDED, OR DOES THE COMPUTER'S POWER SUPPLY DO A GOOD ENOUGH JOB OF DELIVERING 5 VOLTS BY ITSELF???? 2. I WASN'T WORRIED ABOUT THE RESISTOR DIVIDERS DRAWING TOO MUCH CURRENT, BUT I WASN'T SURE ABOUT USING THE PICS ADC TO MONITOR A SCALED DOWN VERSION OF THE SAME POWER SUPPLY THAT WAS POWERING IT. IN THEORY THE 5 AND 12 VOLTS ARE LINKED BACK TO THE SAME POWER SUPPLY. COULD THERE BE A PROBLEM DOING IT THIS WAY? IE. could a dip or spike in voltage that powers the PIC affect the PIC's ADC in trying to measure this same voltage? 3. FINALLY, I WANTED TO ENSURE A LITTLE ACCURACY, AND THIS MADE ME QUESTION THE RESISTOR DIVIDER METHOD. USING PRECISION RESISTORS....WOULD THESE BE GOOD VALUES TO MAKE THE DIVIDERS FROM: FOR THE 5 VOLT: GETTING 2.5 VOLTS FROM 10K AND 10k FOR THE 12 VOLT: GETTING 3 VOLTS FROM 10K AND 30K THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP. AND THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME WITH MY LITTLE BROTHERS CHRISTMAS PRESENT....(YES, HE IS A GEEK TOO... SO HE IS SURE TO LOVE THIS!) *** DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO MAKE THIS PROJECT EVEN COOLER?????? Best Regards, Brandon -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads