I have (with the help of the PICLIST and all its resources) designed 2 different gun target controllers. They allow gun clubs to automatically control the targets to face and face away at given intervals and for a variable number of sets for the various matches they have. Both use a 16F84 and stores the settings. The first uses 5 x 7 seg. 2 for time in seconds target faces shooter, 2 for time target faces away, and 1 for the number of sets. Found to be not good in daylight and later discovered they need greater than 99 secs. The second type uses lcd 16 x 2 and allows a duration of 999s, and does some other cosmetic stuff. Anyone interested in the code (written for Charles Manning AF84 assembler), I will be more than happy to email off list. No big feats in design but maybe of some use to people new to pic. The schematics I am working on. (What happened to the 16F84, last time I was on the list it seemed to be all the rage.) -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body