Not quite rocket science but as Segway has been discussed on ARocket I'll venture posting there as welll. Pse yell at me offlist if this is too too OT. Been thinking about braking of Segway Scooter / Ginger / IT. As someone (Peter Peres?) noted - weight is always 100% reacted vertically through the wheels under braking. As the scooter leans backwards against the direction of motion the decelerating moment trying to pitch the rider forward is balanced by the mass trying to tip the scooter backwards. Or, it is if the electronics maintain control ! :-) A few sums * shows the not too unexpected result that A = g tan(X) where X is the lean angle off vertical. This is the forward de-acceleration which can be balanced at a given lean angle. At 45 degrees, tan X becomes 1 and resistable deceleration = 1g. At backwards tip angles beyond this the resistable force rapidly increases (as tan X goes to infinity as X approaches 90 degrees) BUT there is never any need to exceed this angle greatly unless you can get a coefficient of friction greater than 1 at the wheels. For practical purposes the following lean angles are needed for given accelerations. In fact angles greater than 45 degrees or in fact greater than the available "friction angle" will result in falling over backwards as the friction at the wheels is unable to react the decelerating force. DEGREES lean / G deceleration 5 / 0.09 10 / 0. 18 15 / 0.27 20 / 0.36 25 / 0.47 30 / 0.56 35 / 0.70 As can be seen, up to 20 degrees tan(X) is linear to 2 significant figures and braking equals about 0.02 g per degree of lean. (or A ~= degrees/56 g deceleration). I imagine a 20 degree angle of backwards lean would be quite unnerving until you came to trust your control system. This is slightly more than a 1 in 3 lean - quite steep. The resultant 0.35g odd consequent braking is quite respectable. On a dry surface at slowish speeds appropriate motorcycles can be persuaded to straight line brake on front wheel alone - a good way to impress the locals until you overdo it (don't try this at home). The Segway with 2 side by side wheels and anti-rotation control should make this a typically less painful exercise than on a motorcycle :-) regards Russell McMahon * Derivation: Braking moment pitching rider off = MARCosX Backward moment due to weight = gMRSinX Equate for balance and cancel MARCosX=gMRSinX A = G tanX M = mass A = braking acceleration g = gravitational acceleration R = radius of mass above pivot point X = backwards tilt angle from vertical Note that M can be point mass at cofg OR distributed mass taken point by point as R for mass varies with the location of the mass and ALL masses experience the same deceleration. Reality may be very slightly complicated by the fact that the suspension point is below the axle line and will rise very slightly as you lean backwards thereby changing the geometry. In practice I imagine that this effect would be vanishingly small. -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads