It's Friday, so I'm working on a hobby project this afternoon: I want to use a small, low power display with a PIC that will fit in a small enclosure and be wearable. That means battery power. The larger the battery, the less wearable the end result will be. I removed a small (5/8 x 1 1/4 in.) LCD from one of those disposable 1.5V button battery hospital thermometers, only to find that the controller is buried under an adhesive on the underside of the board (looks like a hybrid) and the LCD has the typical laminated conductive foam connector at only one edge of the glass assembly. I count 16 terminations to the board, which has me thinking that this thing may yet work for me. Has anyone played with one of these little LCD's and might perhaps have some advice for me? I guess I would like to learn how to use this one, or where I can order a standard version of such a display w/ documentation.... Chris -- hint: To leave the PICList