Hi, i've finally put that circuit and pictures up for the super cheap 2-transistor switchmode 5v regulator that Richard and Russell and many others contributed to a few weeks back. There are a couple of charts of efficiency and regulation, and the circuit and CRO waveform. Also a great picture of my quick coffee-table "lab setup" ha ha! :o) It's all public domain and may be of use if you need to run a 5v or 4v PIC from a battery with double or triple the efficiency of a 7805 linear regulator, and on a very tight budget. All parts are discrete and non-critical, even the inductor, so you can use any cheap mass produced pre-wound inductor and still get good results. Here it is: http://centauri.ezy.net.au/~fastvid/smps.htm (there are a few small pictures, about 200kb total) -Roman -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu