Hi. I am working on similar project with 16f873 that I needed 2 uart one Of them goes thru max232 19200 buad rate and the other one just receive data at 9600 Buad rate. Since I am using i2c bus too to communicate with 24lc128 Eeprom I decided to use max4599 multiplexer which has 2 input one output And control pin. In my application 2 uarts never going to work together So having multiplexer to switch back and forward works for me. If you figured it out different method other then spi or what I did please Let me know maybe you are going to find better way of doing it. Hope this helps Andre Abelian Hi All i'm using pic16f876 with 2 serial ports , i used the built in usart for com1 and used the software method in microchips application note for com2 , it worked fine but i'm not happy with the program, it ties me up and can't use the rest of the program freely . I'm trying to make the other serial port by RB0 interrupt , when the interrupt ocurs it sets the TMR0 to take 3 samples of the serial input bits to read and verify for errors , then i read it till the byte has been received , then move it to the receive buffer and set a flag if EOT has been received. I check this flag in the main program loop and take action . I found out that there is another method to use the MAX3100 SPI to RS232 convertor chip , at slightly increased cost i can free my interrupt pin and TMR0 for other stuff . Any ideas , comments , suggestions are welcome . Thanx all -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.