Yesterday popped into my local Centrelink (unemployment office) and = logged onto the jobsearch site. Up pops a splash notice saying "If this notice does not appear in 15 seconds inform Centrelink staff". = Is it only me that wonders on the logic of the Programmer/ = Specification/Project checker for this bit of oxymorony?=20 Still on a letter they sent me it started off with "If you do not speak = English ring this number" and the ATO have an automated phone system = that says "Press 1 if you do not speak English". Perhaps I'm missing = something here? I ventured to mention my thoughts on this apparent contradictory use of = language, but I was looked at with a blank stare and the comment 'I = don't understand Pommy humour' Still would you be reading that paper your sitting on? colin -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.