I thought I'd try 7 seg Leds instead of LCD's and run into a problem which must be simple as I can' t solve it. I need a pointer? in the right direction. I can multiplex the LEDs no problem I just can't get a simple test counter variable to update no matter where I bung it :). Though it will display a static value. The code I have is as follows - all variables are global at the moment as my simulator doesn't show local ones in an easy to see manner. The counter (dec) gets reset to zero after the first pass to display its contents. Any help appreciated. Colin void main() { setup(); while(1) { // dec=1657; //test static works! if (IntFlag) { IntFlag=0; DoInt(); } // dec++; //number to count from 0 to max count for display // if(dec>=MAX_DIGIT+1) {dec=0;} } } void setup() { #ifdef 16F628 //turn comparator off #endif PORTB=0; TRISB=0; PORTA=0; TRISA=0; OPTION_REG=207; TMR0=0; INTCON |=(1<