Some while ago someone on PICList described chest band type pulse measurement systems. These detect signals from the heart and send a short pulse to a coil which is picked up by a coil in the adjacent receiver. Probably near field and I'm not sure that the circuit at either end is resonated to a specific frequency. I would be interested to know if anyone has practical experience of these systems. I am interested in slightly extending the range of one such system to make it more robust in the presence of metal shielding and electromagnetic interference. As far as I've delved so far the transmitter uses a single 4069 and the receiver seems to use 2 x 324 (although the application would hardly seem to need so many devices). All sorts of possible approaches suggest themselves but knowing what others may have done in this area would be interesting. Also - who was the original person who seemed reasonably aware of these systems. Russell McMahon -- hint: To leave the PICList