Thought I better put signal levels on there for you too. This was a number of years ago I did This, and in another country so I am = a bit rusty on figures : )=20 The Receiver put out about 70-80 dBuV (direct reading from a TV field = strength meter), This went into a 2 way splitter, one leg was fed into a = 24dB masthead amp - I tried two of these in series but it turned the = signal to crap, I assume due to clipping or instabilities in the arrangemen= t. I ended up with about 100 dBuV going into the transmitting aerial. The = aerial gain would be added to that - a 1/4 wave whip would give about 103 = - 110 dBuV radiated.=20 If you know someone that installs cable/aerials/dishes they may have an = FSM that does VHF/UHF/SAT that you could borrow. >>> eross@CHEMSTATION.COM 11/16/01 09:29AM >>> I have done something like this with the signal from a DSS receiver. Took a masthead amp and fed the signal up to the persons roof to a = directional aerial, at the receiving end placed a 91 element UHF tv aerial = with masthead amp. I was able to get reliable (and relatively clear) = pictures at a distance of 100 - 150 yards=20 >>> rsloan@THEMINDFACTORY.COM 11/16/01 08:46AM >>> >Need to be more clear on this. >I have a small canned device that is out of a car stereo's cd changer, = its >an FM modulator that connects direct to antenna, I would like to = add=20 >some type of small power amp to it and antenna to increase the distance = >and not need it to connect to antenna direct. I want to stay in the legal = >FCC range of 250uV/m per 3m. Not sure how to do this, maybe just a=20 >good antenna,, modulator might already have trhe drive/power??? >Thanks. -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body