Thanks for the suggestions - I am now looking at putting an opto coupler = in the divider and using a pin from the PIC to enable the divider just = before taking a sample. >>> gfiedler@GLOBO.COM.BR 11/14/01 12:29PM >>> I've never tried it with such an extreme source impedance. You have basically two error effects: one is that you have to charge the internal capacity in a certain amount of time (of which the external cap takes care), the other is the leakage current of up to +-500nA (according to the general ADC specs, specific part specs may vary). This leakage current is not specified anymore than its max limits. If you can live with the max. error the current introduces (which is about +-25 digits with 1M source imp.), this is not a problem. Otherwise, it depends. If it's a one-off project, you probably can just = try it and see what results you get over your temp range. For a production project, I probably would not trust it to be equal in all parts. Unless somebody has mass production experience with the value of the leakage current... ge -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.