Piclisters, Just a quick question, what size of capacitor is best used across supplies? high capacity or low, does it depend on the voltages or the noise/wave of a signal (e.g. transformers which produce noisy outputs). The main reason I ask is that the supply to my modem is 9V and I require a transformer supply to my Pic Programmer, also 9V, but it appears that the transformer is too noisy for the pic programmer. I also have a noisy 4.5V transformer for use with my PIC when its on a breadboard. The PIC works fine with the supply now that I've added a 20uC cap across it, would there be a smoother supply with a larger/smaller supply? I'm not looking to make a big discussion out of this ;,) Mark Craig m.craig@ntlworld.com Glasgow Scotland -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics